
About Us

20 Million+

"Join over 20 million satisfied customers who trust Artisan Khari for their footwear needs."

50k+ Sellers

"Partner with over 50,000 sellers worldwide to bring Artisan Khari footwear to every corner of the globe."

100+ Cities

"Available in over 100 cities worldwide, bringing Artisan Khari's craftsmanship and style to diverse communities."

Our Mission

At Artisan Khari, our mission is to preserve and promote the rich heritage of traditional craftsmanship while integrating modern design and comfort. We strive to create high-quality, handcrafted footwear that embodies elegance, durability, and cultural significance. Our commitment is to deliver exceptional products that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our customers, providing them with timeless pieces that reflect the artistry and dedication of skilled artisans.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a globally recognized brand known for its dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and cultural heritage. We aim to bridge the gap between tradition and modernity by continuously innovating and expanding our range of products, while staying true to our roots. By fostering sustainable practices and supporting local artisans, we envision a future where Artisan Khari is synonymous with excellence, authenticity, and timeless style, cherished by customers around the world.

Our store has a wide selection of Chappal House